A downloadable game for Windows

This is my attempt at creating a game for "My First Game Jam: Summer 2021" where the optional theme was "Free" (I chose not to use this theme).


  • Arrow Key (Hold) + Z: Select action/skill/attack
  • Arrow Key: Change target.
  • Z: Select/Confirm
  • X: Go back/Cancel
  • Esc: Exit game
  • R: Restart when you win or lose.


  • Each party member has a different set of skills assigned to one of four directions: up, down, left, and right.
  • When it is your turn, you must assign each party member a different direction when they attack or use a skill.  No two units can use the same direction.
  • While defending, you and the enemy can attempt to block attacks by holding a direction.
    • Damage is nullified if you block in the same direction of the attack.
    • Damage is halved if you block in a perpendicular direction of the attack.
    • Damage is doubled if you block in the opposite direction of the attack.


4DRPG.zip 22 MB

Install instructions

1. Download ZIP file.

2. Extract the ZIP file.

3. Open the extracted folder. 4. Double-click 4DRPG.exe to play!