[DEMO 8 UPDATE] New Music!

New Music and More!

Another 2-3 months of radio silence has gone by, which means it's time for another update from yours truly, followed up by even more radio silence!

I have decided to try my hand at composing my own original* music for this game to replace the placeholder ones using FamiStudio! Feel free to set the music volume to 0% in the options menu and listen to the playlist of those placeholders here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWHNCrREEJbzGrQ0Wxi4-fzdVR5O52Fk4

In any case, I hope you enjoy listening to these new tunes!

*Some of them very obviously reference songs that are infinitely more successful and I am an effortless hack who knows nothing about writing music.

Aside from adding music, I have also added level intro cards, reworked how collectibles work, and added a list of tips for learning Magli Draelyn's advanced movement options!

Read on for more info!

General Changes:

  • Upgraded to Godot 4.3
  • Replaced all placeholder music with new music.
  • Every level, except for the training room, now starts with a brief level intro card featuring the name of the level alongside a cheeky little subtitle underneath.
  • The pause menu has a new "Tips" menu where you can read up on tricks or advanced movement techniques!
  • The fragment collection system has been reworked! Instead of collecting three different medals on three separate runs, you can now find and collect up to three different dragon scales in a single run! Read "A Guide to Collectibles" in the "General Guidance" category of the Tips menu for more information!

Changes to Player Controls:

[NOTE: Magli = Mage Form, Draelyn = Dragon Form]

  • Magli Draelyn no longer gets nudged backwards as she falls on a ledge's corner if forward is held.
  • Knigel's shield can now speed up Magli Draelyn's temper recovery by 3x while vulnerable.
  • Knigel now only loses up to 25% of his current magic meter when taking damage instead of up to 50%.
  • Magli now has much lower ground deceleration while Star Boosting, making the timing window for maintaining a Star Boost by repeatedly jumping forward much more lenient.
  • Slightly increased the parry timing window for Knigel's shield.
  • You can now parry the train in Ch. 1-4 to instantly stun it.
    • Did you know you can also parry spikes, too?
  • Increased the magic meter bonus for parrying.
  • Draelyn can now get off walls instantly if Crouch is pressed while holding the direction away from the wall.
  • Added a buffer for fast falling out of the start of a slide and while switching from mage form to dragon form.
  • Landing on the ground while performing a Diving Fire Tackle now lets Draelyn slide out of her tackle much earlier regardless of distance traveled.
  • Lower falling gravity is now always used regardless of being in midair or not when bumping into a wall while fire tackling or when launching a fireball.
  • Reduced Fire Tackle's wall bump knockback.
  • Fixed fast falling speed being overridden by midair jump speed when both are done simultaneously.
  • Midair crouching attacks no longer activate if near a ceiling while crouching and Crouch is NOT held to prevent accidental falls.
    • If you still wish to use a crouch attack in this scenario, you must have Crouch held.

Changes to Levels:

  • Made it easier to access a fragment cache earlier in room 4 of Ch. 1-2 without having to fall down a pit two rooms later.
  • Moved the first flying blue Dragoon in room 3 of Ch. 1-3 backwards a bit.
  • Moved a few fragments in room 3 of Ch. 1-3 to better hint at a hidden area.
  • Moved a flying red Dragoon further back in room 10 on Ch. 1-4.
  • Target time for Ch. 1-3 is now 2:00.

Sprite Changes:

  • Draelyn's tail no longer drags across the floor as she stands still. Chances of her tail chafing by doing nothing (other than sliding) reduced by 80%.
  • Magli shows 5% more fang in some of her animations.

Get Magli Draelyn the Half-Dragon Mage

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